WAY Academy of Flint

State Testing Dates

State Testing Dates

Dear WAY Academy Families,  

Spring Break is quickly approaching, but soon after, the state of Michigan brings State  Testing to schools. At this time, there are no plans to cancel Spring testing; however, it  is possible that it could still be canceled. While we wait for the government to make  decisions, we continue to make plans to conduct the testing.  

The communication in the chart below is key information to put on your calendars.  State testing is important for all of us. These tests help us to measure where we are at  as schools and as students. After learning was disrupted by COVID and learning  models were necessarily changed, the test results can be very helpful as we look to the  future. It is important that all students assigned to take a test this year participate.  

We will be following CDC guidelines while administering all tests. Students will  maintain distances, wash hands upon entering, and wear masks at all times. I will keep  you posted regarding any cancellations and options that may be handed down from the  state as we get closer to the test dates.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  Sincerely,  

Shelly Smith, Director 
WAY Academy of Flint 

  • The lab will be closed to all students who do not have testing on the given  dates 
  • All tests will be in the morning.  Expect to arrive at 7:30 am 
  • Students must be on time or they will not be allowed to test.
  • Cell phones are not allowed in the testing environment and should either be  left home or checked in at the main desk.  Phones that are out and/or go off  in the testing environment will spoil the test and require the offending  student to be exited from the test site.
First page of the PDF file: 2021-03-24-testingletter